Equilibration and labeling reaction: 5X TdT equilibration buffer (20 µl 5X buffer with 80 µl dH2O per specimen) incubate at room temperature for 30 minutes.

3% of H202), followed by washing with TBS 5 min.

Inactivation of endogenous peroxidases: 30% H2O2 (mix 10 µl 30% H2O2 with 90 µl 0f 100%methanol per specimen i.e.
#Xsection answers plus
Permeabilization of specimen (2 mg/ml proteinase K and I diluted in 10 mM tris pH 8 (1 µl of 2 mg/ml proteinase K plus 99 µl 10 mM trisper specimen for 20 min followed by washing with TBS 5 min). QIA33 Calbiochem, followed their mention protocol like deparaffinization and rehydration. I am using TdT-FragEL™ DNA fragmentation detection kit cat. I tried TUNEL staining but each time I encountered some problem and never get to my results. I am working on MCAO (Ischemic stroke) and have brain section of 4 micrometer by microtome and paraffin embedded. I need some guidance regarding TUNEL assay operation. to "You can and should use a well-specified random effects model. Another was: "Bizarre and often incorrect paper by two political scientists on the virtues of random-effects over fixed-effects". In particular, the authors' treatment of 'heterogeneity bias' clarifies the importance of addressing both 'within' and 'between' variation in the data and they make a compelling case for considering both 'individual' and 'ecological' influences". One reaction was: "This paper and the instructive controversial over FEVD have shown me that my econometrics training had not - as I once assumed - taught me all that there is to know about fixed effects estimation. They also challenge the Fixed Effects Vector Decomposition (FEVD) model of Plumper and Troeger.

Somewhat controversially they argue that a particular form of the random effects model (the within-between model or the similar Mundlak model) offers all that fixed effects can provide and more.